Swansea and District Canine Club, Saturday 11th February 2012. Deerhounds - Jenny Grimshaw - Jamalison.
My thanks to this excellently run club for my invitation to Judge and to all the exhibitors for the opportunity to go over their dogs. All the dogs were beautifully turned out. I really enjoyed my day.
Special Yearling 3 (2 abs)
First. Best Puppy. Mr S and Mrs K Codd's - Greyflax Over the Moon. Typical 10 month old puppy enjoying his second show outing. Beautiful head. Neat small ears, darkening muzzle and aqualine nose, correct scissor bite. Elegant length of neck onto correct shoulders. Good length of body and fallaway to strong tail. Maturing coat. When he settled he moved well. It will be interesting to see how he develops. Well presented and well handled.
Graduate 2
First. Best of Breed - Parson's and McKinnon's - Claonaiglen Buie. Rising 3 year old bitch with a coarse hard coat. Correct confirmation with strong well knuckled feet and angled pasterns. Feminine head with dark eye and neat small ears. Correct bite and tapered muzzle. Good length of neck onto well angled shoulders, correct length in body with rise of loin and fall away. Low set hocks and again strong correct rear feet. She was fit and well muscled. This bitch offered a lot of what I like in a Deerhound and moved well in the class, although she did slip on the mat at one corner, which caused her to become slightly lame in the Challenge. She won on her sparkling prescence, sound construction, correct coat and dark eyes.
Second -Merrick's Clanardwood Sol of Pedlarspath. Another rising three year old bitch. Did not have the bone of class winner and had sparse coat (this girl had a litter in October 2011). Finer, narrower head with lovely dark eye. Correct scissor bite. Good depth of chest and tuck up onto correct loin. A little upright in pastern. She ringed her tail when moving and did not move out as well as the winner of this class.
Limit 3
First - Parson's and McKinnon's Claonaiglen Fionnelighie. Rising 3 year old bitch. Quality bitch with sound, correct construction, from same kennel as BOB. Dark grey correct coat. Well knuckled strong feet, sloping pasterns. Elegant back and front angulation and moved well. I preferred the head of the Graduate bitch.
Second - Llewellyn's Martahari Mermaid. Different type from winner of class, with lighter grey and more prolific coat. Not as well angulated as winner. Moved well.
Open Dog - 2 (1 abs)
First - Llewellyn's Martahari Menjangen. Adult male dog, who really looks good. He has a lovely masculine head. Correct strong bone. Neat ears and correct mouth. Good reach of neck, depth of chest and tuck up onto strong well angled quarters with low set hocks. A dog I really liked, he moved very well.
Open Bitch 2 (1 abs )
First - Merrick's Claonaiglen Shiel of Pedlarspath. Elegant bitch with neat ears, dark eye and correct bite. Light grey coat and carrying a little weight today. She did not appear to be enjoying herself and did not move as well as the class winner.
Kind regards,
Jenny Grimshaw.